She told me she was going to participate and I originally told I was not, because my kitchen is my least favorite room in the house. As I was cleaning to leave for the weekend (yes I clean so when I come home after a weekend away everything is nice and clean for the first 2 seconds when we arrive) I decided I was going to participate. My feeling is you only know how far you've come if you are honest about where you started!! So I am showing my kitchen!!

Welcome to my kitchen...
This is the view coming from the garage through the den..
Notice the mismatched chairs for the kids? We have a wooden princess chair for my daughter and an NCSU for my son. Why you ask? Because I was tired of recovering the seat cushions every time we had a function at the house and the kids like having their own personal chairs. No arguments of who sits where.
The cabinets were originally brown and hubby painted them white for me. Now I want to paint them with a glaze like Kelly's cabinets but I have a feeling that will never happen. I would also like new counters but that is way down on the list!!! I did make the curtains and I really love my curtains!
The view from the kitchen looking back to the den.
Fridge and pantry! My two favorite pieces are right here. The rooster from Pier One and the chalkboard I redid.
Up close of my 9x9 kitchen. It is small but it does the job!! Plus, I am not a big cook so it isn't a big deal. The item I dislike the most is the original 1988 stove. It is so old and yucky I can't stand it, but money doesn't grow on trees and my husbands theory is "if it isn't broke we are not getting a new one" grrrr!!
I came over from Kelly's blog and those chairs are tooo cute! I love that they mismatch! Plus I love the fabric you used for the curtains and how they are shaped.
What a bright and cheery kitchen!
Mrs. Nurse Boy
Very nice kitchen but I'm not so sure about the NCSU chair. My husband would love one of those but I'll take a Carolina blue one. Great job on the curtains!
I love your kitchen. I like bright and cheerful and yours is both.
P.S. Click the "LillySue" link at Kelly's and come visit my kitchen!
So cute and cheerful! Love it!
I love your kitchen! So bright and cheery! Your curtains match a quilt my mom made for our extra bedroom!
You kitchen is so bright & cheerful! I love it. The colour is great & I tool ove the curtains. the rooster is a nice touch of whimsy! Thanks for sharing!
Great Kitchen - Love the yellow . And that cute chair by the table.
Thanks for sharing
Your kitchen is so pretty!! Thanks for sharing, I love the colors!
LOve the chalk board, red swirls and especially THE ROOSTER! DARLING!
I think your kitchen is SUPER cute - I'm glad you shared it with us!!!
Really Great!!! I love the window sham. That is so CUTE!!
a YELLOW kitchen, I LOVE it!!!! Way to cute.
Very nice. I love to sew my own things. Then you get just what you want. Cool chairs.
I think your kitchen is totally cute!
It is WAY better than mine. I HATE my kitchen. It is the biggest embarrassment of my home!
Love your curtains!
What a cute kitchen! I love the color combo - and yes, it makes me a bit jealous (I say teasingly). My kitchen is definitely the ugliest room in my house. In fact I wrote a blog post called "The Blessings of an Ugly Kitchen". HA!
I randomly clicked over from Kelly's blog. Thanks for sharing your kitchen.
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
Love the yellow! Thanks for sharing!
Your kitchen is bright, sunshiny, and happy. Love it! Thanks for letting us look!
Hi Maradith!
What a cute kitchen. I love those colors. It is so bright and cheerful!
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Ok, you have nothing to complain about! I love the yellow and the chairs for your kids! My kitchen is still in need of some decoratin and renovating...I guess I should show mine...although it would only be for y'all since my blog is private! HA! The white cabinets look great with the yello on the walls! I love it!
What a beautiful kitchen!!!
Now going to look up that banana bread- we were just talking about making some!!
kari & kijsa
I love it! I really love the curtains and that material!!!!!! Where did you get it?
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