Hand Sanitizer/ Liquid Soap - VALENTIZED!!
I can't take total credit for this but can't find the site where I found this fabulous idea.
1- I got hand sanitizer from Wal-green last week at BOGO (buy one get one free)
2- Peel off the labels
3- Embellished it with Wal-mart scrapbooking heart stickers or letters.
4- I had my daughter cut a heart-shape card and then color it and sign her name.
5- I punched a hole in the heart (without my daughter looking because if I showed her that trick EVERYTHING would have a hole in it!)
6- Tie the heart/tag on with a ribbon
My daughter is a lot like me and LOVES crafts!
There you have it- a teacher gifts on a budget and with all those lovely germs around this winter who best to give hand sanitizer too!!
Procrastination Time: I am ahead of schedule- mainly because I needed a craft for my daughter and wanted to share with you! A week ahead of schedule. I am doing the jig now!!
Pack rat: Once again I used my ribbon collection. Trust me the further I get into this blog the more you will see what I pack away!! (I am almost ashamed to share but the only way to concur is to admit you have a problem!)
Verdict: Great and easy project. Good project to do with kids. I gave one to my mom who is a Principal at an Elementary school & she really liked it.
Cost: Hand sanitizer $1.50, stickers .99 a pack & made 2 per pack, ribbon apart of my collection, and tag- free. Total- $2.00
Let me know if you have tried something similar or have any suggestions to make this better for next year!!
That is a very good V. day gift. Not as tasty as chocolate, but it will last longer and it doesn't have a lot of calories. :D
Welcome to SITS...
Just a few days left in my good smelling give-a-way...check it out if you have minute. :D
Very cute idea. Gosh, does this mean I need to buy teacher gifts too? I can't keep up! Love the bath towel too -my boy could use some of those. I like how you list what you used and cost. I'll be back to check out more. Welcome to SITS!
That is a cute idea! I want to thank you for stopping by and visiting with me during my SITS spotlight....Please come back anytime.....Blessings, Nancy
Your blog is so refreshing! It has cadence, yet it is random in the best sense possible. I love this idea!! Especially since I have like the big ol' Walmart ones everywhere!! With four kids, sometimes a squirt of that is the best you can do...!! Happy Valentines Day...Early!!
Love it! I know what my kids' teachers are getting next week! Thanks. Came by from SITS to say hi!
Very cute, and what a great gift for someone around kids all day long! ;)
That's a really cute, inexpensive idae! I ove it:0)
Welcome to SITS!
That is an awesome idea. Works for every holiday/season too!
as a former teacher, I love that gift idea!! cute idea and practical
What a great idea!
Welcome to SITS, we are thrilled to have you join us.
Tiffany & Heather
Thanks for stopping by from SITS yesterday.
That Valentine's craft is adorable!
I looked at the rest of your blog and you have some really great crafts! (love the pillowcase dress) to cute!
That's cool...if anybody can use hand sanitizer, it's a teacher! Welcome to the SITS community.
I LOVE this idea! I'm so doing this for my youngest daughter's teacher.
Thanks for stopping by on my special SITS day.
I also appreciate your title. My motto is: If it weren't for the last minute, I'd never get anything done.
How Fab are you....it looks amazing...and the price...can't beat it...and I think all teachers live for hand sanitizer....Welcome to SITS
Stopping by from SITS. I saw this on another blog too. It turned out great!!! I think it's sweet that your daughter made the tag by herself.
Ooh - I like this idea. Very simple and cheap.
What a great, affordable idea! Check this one out too:
My friend is doing these for her kid's teachers and I think it's a FAB idea!!
Coming over from the SITS Welcome Wagon! Just wanted to say hello and WELCOME!
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